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Casework Quality Control/Due Diligence

The Ultimate Casework Quality Control check

Reporting scientific findings in forensic casework must be as unbiased and fair as possible. Frameworks have been established and implemented worldwide in order to help maintain balance and impartiality in forensic science. For example, where findings are being assessed, it is usual to establish two propositions, determine which proposition is most likely and then add a weight of ‘support’ to that finding. This is the very basic level of what is termed ‘Bayesian statistics’ in forensic science.

It’s a complicated arena that has the overall aim of making the science presented in court as fair as possible without being overwhelmingly difficult to understand by the triers of fact (Judge and jury). It’s easy to get it wrong and it’s easy not to interpret findings in such a manner.

Added to this are the accreditations and standards to which laboratories and scientists may have to adhere. These include ISO17025, ASCLD (American Association of Crime Laboratory Directors) and professional organisations such as The Academy of Experts and various branches of the Forensic Science Society, to name but a few.

We specialise in assessing casework, not only to determine whether it has been fully, fairly and accurately reported but also to assist lawyers to understand the science and also to help identify areas that they may want to explore.

In areas we recommend for review, we provide transparent cost estimates, provide advice and reports, come to court and give evidence.

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